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Our maths policy can be found here.

Subject Intent - Maths

It is our intent that children will learn through a mastery approach, which is deep, sustainable and achievable for all. They will have fluent knowledge and understanding of the number system with the ability to rapidly recall number facts, in addition to performing written and mental calculations efficiently. They will develop factual, conceptual and procedural fluency through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. Through a broad range of skills in applying mathematics, they will solve real life problems and reason about mathematical concepts and make connections. When faced with challenges in new and unusual contexts, children will think independently and persevere, showing confidence in success.

Progress is tracked half termly using a range of evidence, including:

  • teacher observations
  • evidence in maths books
  • end of unit checks
  • half termly tests
  • termly tests
  • end of year tests
  • statutory tests in Year 6

Children receive support and extra challenge through ‘same day intervention’. Children receive feedback on their work and respond to gap tasks to scaffold learning further or further deepen their understanding. The approach at Lutley is child-centred, which focuses on a growth mindset approach to maths. The approach helps children build a deep understanding of maths concepts and a confidence in maths.

Application/Problem Solving

At Lutley, children solve mathematical problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. In order to solve a problem, children will draw on one or more problem-solving skills, such as:

  • Working systematically
  • Trial and improvement
  • Logical reasoning
  • Spotting patterns
  • Visualising
  • Working backwards
  • Conjecturing

Through this way of teaching we will have:

  • Ambitious expectations for all pupils
  • Gaps in learning immediately addressed through same day intervention
  • All pupils access rich mathematical content
  • Avoidance of grouping and labelling children
  • Conceptual and procedural maths taught together
  • Investment in professional development of teachers
  • Children who know more and remember more