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Extended Services Provision

We are fortunate that we have childcare options available at the start and the end of the school day for our working parents. Situated in the school hall, we have a Breakfast Club and an Afterschool Club. The children have a chance to play outside if the weather is nice or choose from a range of activities inside.

Breakfast Club starts at 7:30am and all the children are provided with a healthy breakfast. The Breakfast Club staff bring the children to their classes at the start of the day.

After school Club starts at the end of the school day and closes at 6:00pm. The children are provided with a healthy snack.

Our Before and After School Club provision is an approved childcare provider, which means, for working parents, you can receive Tax – Free Childcare. This means for every £8 you pay into your online government childcare account, the government will pay in £2.00 to pay your provider. For more information please click on the link below:

For further information, please contact the school office.